provision of a 7-seater, SUV Passenger Vehicle for ICAO Regional Office in Bangkok, Thailand.

provision of a 7-seater, SUV Passenger Vehicle for ICAO Regional Office in Bangkok, Thailand. Request for quotation

Reference: 12501097
Beneficiary countries: Thailand
Published on: 07-Dec-2020
Deadline on: 15-Dec-2020 23:59 (GMT -5.00)


The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), a specialized Agency of the United Nations, kindly invites you to submit a quotation for the provision of a SUV Passenger Vehicle for our Regional Office in Bangkok, Thailand.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Interested vendors must consult, download and respond to this tender using ICAO Tendering website accesible on, or go to the “Links” tab  

AVISO IMPORTANTE: Los proveedores interesados deben consultar, descargar y responder a esta licitación utilizando el sitio web de la OACI que se encuentra en , o dirigirse a la pestaña “links”

AVIS IMPORTANT : Les fournisseurs intéressés doivent consulter, télécharger et répondre à cet appel d'offres en utilisant le site Web d’appels d’offres de l'OACI accessible sur  ou aller dans l'onglet "Liens".



