Supplier account creation

Supplier details

An account with similar information already exists in the UNGM database. We request suppliers to contact UNGM using the contact form in the Help Centre (question mark icon on the top bar) and to provide the supplier name, the license number, and the country where is established.

Checking availability. Enter the name with which your commercial entity is legally registered. If applicable, include your legal entity type: LLC, LTD, CIO, etc.
Checking information. A business license number is a reference number from a city, state, or official document that grants the bearer the ability to engage in specific business activities. It is best practice to provide the number which appears on the company's Certificate of Incorporation.

An account with similar information already exists in the UNGM database. We request suppliers to contact UNGM using the contact form in the Help Centre (question mark icon on the top bar) and to provide the supplier name, the license number, and the country where is established.

Checking information. Introduce the name of the country or territory where the supplier is legally registered.
Director details
Enter the director's first name.
Enter the director's last name.
User details
Enter your first name.
Enter your last name.
Enter your email address to log into your account.
This email is already in the UNGM system. Have you forgotten your password?

This email domain is reserved for Staff Members. If you are a Staff Member, return and click on the Organizations members box.
The email is not available in your organization. Register as a supplier. Checking availability.
Confirm your email address. This email address will be your username to log into your account.
Choose a password at least 8 characters in length.
Confirm your chosen password.
How did you hear about UNGM?
Select your referral.
Enter your comments.
Do you want to receive special offers for UNGM Pro? Users have the option to unsubscribe at any time.


Personal data are constituted of any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, such as a name, an identification number, location data, or an online identifier. By submitting the Registration Form for the site you consent to the processing of the personal data it contains by UNGM and acknowledge that the personal information contained in the Form will be shared with the UN Affiliates. Providing your business information to UNGM, which is accessible to all UN Affiliates, is considered an active statement by yourself of your interest in having your company being represented in all relevant UN Affiliates’ tenders and being contacted by the Affiliates’ Procurement Officials within this business context, or other business reasons.

If you want to learn more about our terms and conditions applicable to data protection please click here. Should you have any requests for information, please contact us using the contact form in the UNGM Help Center.