GEF Small Grants Programme: CORE Grants delivery in Tuvalu Grant support-call for proposal

Reference: CFP/SGP/Tuvalu/2019/001
Beneficiary countries: Fiji, Tuvalu
Published on: 29-Apr-2019
Deadline on: 17-May-2019 17:00 (GMT -4.00)


SGP is calling for proposals based on a new grant making modality to be administered at the regional and national levels in Tuvalu. This grant making modality is used in special circumstances like in Tuvalu where there is no established SGP presence and limited national institutions. The principles under which this CFP work is based on fairness, transparency and integrity. This “pass through” modality is recommended as the most appropriate solicitation method for announcing available grant support under the competitive selection method for a country like Tuvalu. The selection will be undertaken by a committee whose decisions will be final. The eligible entities who may wish to pursue further information related to their proposals may follow the UNOPS advisory related to this call for proposals.

SGP is calling for proposals from competent civil society organizations active in the Pacific region and those specifically interested or working in Tuvalu directly or indirectly for the implementation of Capacity Development of national CSO’s and Grant making in Tuvalu.  An initial funding support will be discussed with SGP Central Programme Management Team (CPMT) and based on satisfactory performance, a further re-granting may be made.

For more information on eligibility criteria and scope of work, please refer to the attached CFP document.

For questions and clarifications, lease contact Mr. Charles Nyandiga at and Ms. May-Britt Ebert at during the period from 29 April to 07 May 2019. Requests for clarifications or questions submitted before or after the mentioned date will not be considered.