Provision of Consultancy Services for a Baseline Survey for UNFPA Ethiopia, 8th Country Program on Preventing and Responding To Sexual and Gender Based Violence, Including Harmful Traditional Practice

Provision of Consultancy Services for a Baseline Survey for UNFPA Ethiopia, 8th Country Program on Preventing and Responding To Sexual and Gender Based Violence, Including Harmful Traditional Practice Request for proposal

Reference: UNFPA/ETH/RFP/2018/003
Beneficiary countries: Ethiopia
Registration level: Basic
Published on: 17-Sep-2018
Deadline on: 16-Oct-2018 11:30 (GMT 3.00)


UNFPA ETH CO is seeking the services of a consultancy firm, with the required qualifications and experiences to provide firm level consultancy services for a Baseline Survey for UNFPA Ethiopia, 8th Country Program on Preventing and Responding To Sexual and Gender Based Violence, Including Harmful Traditional Practice in some selected intervention areas in different parts of Ethiopia. Hence, UNFPA  ETH CO, invites local and international firm with the required expertise as per the RFP and ToR to participate in this bid.