An Integrated Aeronautical Information System and Flight Procedure Design Software for the expansion of the air navigation service at the Jorge Chávez International Airport.

An Integrated Aeronautical Information System and Flight Procedure Design Software for the expansion of the air navigation service at the Jorge Chávez International Airport. Not set

Reference: 22502136
Beneficiary countries: Peru
Published on: 31-Dec-2020
Deadline on: 01-Mar-2021 16:00 (GMT -5.00)


Corporación Peruana de Aeropuertos y Aviación Comercial S.A. (CORPAC S.A) of Peru, intends to procure, on a turnkey basis, an Integrated Aeronautical Information System and Flight Procedure Design Software for the expansion of the air navigation service at the Jorge Chávez International Airport.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Interested vendors must consult, download and respond to this tender using ICAO Tendering website accesible on, or go to the “Links” tab  

AVISO IMPORTANTE: Los proveedores interesados deben consultar, descargar y responder a esta licitación utilizando el sitio web de la OACI que se encuentra en , o dirigirse a la pestaña “links”

AVIS IMPORTANT : Les fournisseurs intéressés doivent consulter, télécharger et répondre à cet appel d'offres en utilisant le site Web d’appels d’offres de l'OACI accessible sur  ou aller dans l'onglet "Liens".

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